Raising Milk Goats the Modern Way, Jerry Belanger
Goat Medicine, Mary C. Smith, DVM and David M. Sherman, DVM
The Goatkeeper's Veterinary Book, Peter Dunn, B. V. Sc.
Dairy Goat Judging Techniques, Harvey Considine and George Trimberger
The Pygmy Goat in America, Alice Hall
The Angora Goat, Its History, Management and Diseases Stephanie Mitcham Sexton and Allison Mitcham. Lancelot Press
YOUR GOATS, by Gail Damerow published by Storey (Gardenway) 800-793-9396.
RAISING MILK GOATS SUCCESSFULLY, by Gail Luttmann published by Williamson Publishing, 800-234-8791.
One day with a goat herd. C. J. Stevens
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