
Nearly all animals at the farm are owned and cared for by individual
children (and their parents). Before joining an animal project, you should realize that they involve a commitment of time.
The animal doesn't eat unless you feed it (or make arrangements with other project members to help out). Those projects that involve lots of time (averaging an hour a day) include Horses and Veal Calves. Other animals can take just a few minutes most days,
but you'll probably want to spend more time playing with them.
Market animals (sheep, swine and veal calves) are raised in the spring
and sold in the summer. Other animals are owned and must be cared for the entire year.
In Orange County, California, you can find out more information
about 4-H from:
University of California
Orange County
PHONE: (714) 708-1606
FAX: (714) 708-2754
More information about 4-H can be found at
the National 4-H Council web site.
4-H is a nonformal educational youth
program, conducted by the University
of California's Cooperative Extension
as authorized by federal and state statutes. In each county, the local
Extension staff (County Director and 4-H
Youth Advisors) has the authority to
administer the program in accordance
with University and Extension policy.
4-H provides a wide variety of things to
do and learn. Members belong to a
group and take part in group events, or
explore their own special interests on
an individual basis. Youth may enroll in
4-H on their 9th birthday or when entering the 4th grade, whichever
first, and may be members until the end
of the calendar year in which they
become 19.
The purpose of 4-H is to help young
people discover and develop their potential. 4-H encourages young
to set their own goals and make their
own plans and decisions. This helps
boys and girls mature and builds their
self-confidence. By being part of a
group, 4-H'ers learn to understand
other people and to cooperate with
them. These are two basic skills for
a happy, useful life.
The goals of 4-H are to help young people:
- Develop initiative and assume responsibility.
- Develop leadership and be of service to
- Develop the ability to live and work cooperatively with others.
- Acquire knowledge and skills and explore
- Achieve satisfaction from work and
- Choose from alternatives and plan satisfying lives.
- Develop positive self images.
The 4-H members in a club elect their officers
and plan, implement, and evaluate an annual
Plan of Work. An adult volunteer leader
coaches the club's officers and members in
these activities and guides them as they acquire
leadership skills. Any parent or adult volunteer
leader may join the discussion during a 4-H
meeting, but only 4-H members vote on matters
that are brought before the club. The meetings
also enable members and parents to get together to share
experiences and interests. One
of the good things 4-H offers is an opportunity
to enjoy learning with family and friends.
Learning by doing in an atmosphere where
learning is fun is a basic philosophy of 4-H. The
project is where learning by doing takes place.
Within the project, members find things to
learn, things to do, things to make, and things
to explore. A 4-H project is:
- Planned work in an area of interest to the
4-H member.
- Guided by a volunteer who is the project
- Aimed at planned objectives that can be
attained and measured.
- Summarized by some form of record keeping.
Each year a 4-H member takes at least one
project. Members enrolling for the first time
should be encouraged to take only one project.
As boys and girls gain experience, the size of
the project may be increased and/or additional
projects may be selected. With their project
leader and parents as consultants, members
should select a project that will be a challenge,
but not one that is larger than they can handle.
Any project a 4-H member selects should be
based on:
- Their interests, needs, and time available.
- Their family situation.
- Suitability to the area in which they live.
- The availability of necessary tools and
A 4-H project is supervised by the project
leader with the help of the member's parents,
but it is the 4-H member who must do the work.
Some projects (raising plants and animals)
involve the production of items for sale. Where
this is the case, a business agreement should be
established between the 4-H member and his
or her parents.
Some project groups meet once a week. Others
meet once or twice a month. The purpose of
these meetings is to guide the members in
gaining knowledge, attitudes, skills, and habits
needed to complete their work successfully.
Member's guides, reports, and records are
available free to 4-H members for most projects.
The volunteer who leads the project
will obtain these for the 4-H members. 4-H
record forms help the members keep track of
what they do in their project work.
What projects are available?
Each county has a variety of projects to offer. The following is a list
of general project
areas that are offered:
- Animal Science
- Engineering
- Aerospace & Rocketry
- Automotive
- Bicycles
- Computers
- Electricity
- Small Engines
- Woodworking
- Home Economics
- Foods & Nutrition
- Clothing & Fashion
- Childcare
- Food Preservation
- Cooking
Leisure and Recreation
- Camping & Backpacking
- Outdoor Adventure
- Arts & Crafts
- Shooting Sports
- Recreational Sports
- Leathercraft
- Photography
Natural Science
- Gardening
- Entomology (Bugs)
- Forestry
- Geology (Rocks and Earth)
- Marine Science
- Social Science
- Communication
- Safety
- Citizenship & Leadership
- Community Pride
- Exchange Programs (Travel)
In accordance with applicable Federal laws and University policy, the
University of California does not
discriminate in any of its policies, procedures or practices on the
basis of race, religion, color, national
origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, age, veteran status,
medical condition or handicap.
Inquiries regarding this policy may be addressed to the Affirmative
Action Director, University of
California, Agriculture and Resources, 300 Lakeside Drive, 6th Floor,
Oakland, CA 94612-3560.
(415) 987-0097.
I pledge:
my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service,
my Health to better living,
for my club, my community,
my country, and my world.
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These pages were designed by the Computer Science project
of the Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club.